Women's Ministry

Why do we call ourselves “Sisters of SOUL?” It’s because we are women of the Word connecting through Service and Outreach, building Unity through the Love of Christ.

We plan and host a wide-range of events that allow women to creatively build relationships with one another. We do all kinds of engaging things together with the intent of developing friendships and reaching our community.
Some activities focus on helping women grow in their relationship with God by working through Bible studies together. Gaining more understanding about Jesus helps us to serve others.
Women helping women ... that's what we're about. Our Heart-to-Heart mentorship program connects women in deeper supportive and encouraging relationships.

The city of ancient Corinth was much like our own modern-day cities: a melting pot of electrifying cultural experiences to be had, along with the myriad pitfalls of spiritual depravity. Over 8 sessions, this study of the Letter of 2 Corinthians, we will be exploring the anchoring truths of bearing treasures in jars of clay, meeting Christ through a pressing thorn, opening wide your heart amid hurtful relationships, and what it means to embrace the lost and lonely as ministers of the new covenant. Each of us has a message to proclaim and live by: Because of Jesus, the old has gone, the new has come.

All Things New, Women's Spring 2025 Bible Study

All Things New

Study of 2 Corinthians

Book available through Lifeway and Amazon.

If costs prevent you from attending this Bible study, contact Kim McCormick at [email protected].

All Things New, Women's Spring 2025 Bible Study

Starting dates:

In-person: Mondays, Mar. 31 | 9:30-11:30 am, Room 108

Zoom:  Tuesday, Apr.  01 | 6:30-8:30 pm

– Coming Next –

Spring Ladies Bible Study

Hope to see you there!

Washington Park Arboretum

Come join your Northwest Church sisters for a stroll through the arboretum and a picnic lunch along the way. The gardens will be beautiful and the fellowship promises to be divine.

We’ll be providing opportunities for carpooling from the church parking lot; please CLICK HERE to offer OR request a ride.

This is a wonderful opportunity to invite your gal friends. Remember to pack a lunch and meet us either at church or the visitor’s center.

When: Wednesday, July 24, 10am – 2pm

Where: Washington Park Arboretum


Upcoming Events

Match Day event is February 22 

Mentoring for women by women.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the personal experience of someone at a different point in life or be the person another woman looks to for support to grow through listening, prayer, and sharing.

Ladies' Game Night

Ladies' Game Night

March 29th @ 6 in room 108

Join the ladies at Northwest for an exciting tradition; a night of entertaining, friendly competition. Explore a variety of games, both classic and new, and enjoy the frivolity that will ensue. We’ll have games you can play or bring one if you choose.

You’re guaranteed to have fun whether you win or lose. If you are able, please bring a snack or a treat:

Last name A-F bring something sweet.
G-K a savory bite
L-Q a finger food delight
R-Z soda or flavored water everyone can bring a guest, your mom or teen daughter!

We hope you will drop by if you can, for more info see Jillian or DeAnne.

Manifesto Workshop

Sunday, January 18 | 9 am – noon | Community Life Center | Auditorium

Continental breakfast will be provided.

Women's Ministry News & Events

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

– 2 Timothy 3:16-17