What to Expect

When you come to Northwest Church

What happens in the services?


We start each service with singing, led by our Worship Team which is made up of some great musicians and singers. Singing helps us to focus our hearts and minds on Jesus, and prepares us for the Bible teaching. You’ll probably see some people raise their hands as they sing—a physical posture that helps the heart to focus. But, we want you to do whatever makes you feel comfortable … it’s all good!


We celebrate Communion every week. What is communion, and why is it so important? When Jesus was on earth, he encouraged us to remember His sacrifice on our behalf. He bore our guilt and makes us clean, if we trust Him. Communion help us remember and rededicates our hearts anew to living as He calls us to live. Feel free to join us, if you love Jesus and want to follow Him in your life. 


You’ll hear some really good Bible teaching each service, usually lasting about 30 minutes. The teaching encourages us to experience God more fully in our lives, and seek His will in the areas that most concern us. God made us, and so He knows that life can sometimes get really difficult. He wants us to come to Him with whatever we’re worried about and discover the true peace He offers. 

"I was nervous about joining in, but I'm glad I did because I've found my tribe!"
- Terri
"It's my absolute favorite place to go!"
- Greg Smith
"The best coffee in town! It's awesome!"
- John Evans
"I was nervous about joining in, but I'm glad I did because I've found my tribe!"
- Terri
"It's my absolute favorite place to go!"
- Greg Smith
"The best coffee in town! It's awesome!"
- John Evans
"I was nervous about joining in, but I'm glad I did because I've found my tribe!"
- Terri
"It's my absolute favorite place to go!"
- Greg Smith
"The best coffee in town! It's awesome!"
- John Evans