- Policy: August 2019
Church Leadership That Stands the Test of Time
Northwest Church is a congregation with roots from the Reformation Movement of the 16th century and the Restoration Movement of the 19th century. We desire to glorify God in everything we do. Northwest Church of Lynnwood, WA is firmly dedicated to:
- The authority and sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures
- The exclusiveness of Jesus Christ as the Savior of sinners
- The faithful taking of the gospel into all the world
- And the joyful, reverential, and regular corporate worship of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, according to the commands of Holy Scripture.
Only Christ is King and Head of the Church! Jesus is the cornerstone, and the foundation of His Church based on the Apostles and Prophets (Ephesians 2:20). The offices of Apostles and Prophets are extraordinary and unrepeatable, but they are not all of the government which Christ has established.
Through His inspired Apostles, Jesus directed that the ordinary office of Elder should continue in the life of the Church (Titus 1:5-9, I Timothy 3:1-7, 5:17-22, Philippians 1:1).
Elders are selected by the congregation from those so gifted by Christ (Titus 1:5-9). The Elders of this church are chosen from qualified male members of the church, approved by the congregation, and ordained and installed by the congregation through the Eldership.
Elder Emeritus is an honored status conferred by current Elders of this congregation at the request of an existing elder.
Definition of Elder Emeritus:
From the Latin, the word “emeritus” means “to serve out one’s term.” It is most often used of professionals like university professors and is usually given upon retirement. However, two facts that are noteworthy. For one thing, full retirement may not be required and the individual might continue to exercise some duties; the other, that the individual so described is being honored as one “respected and distinguished”. Men who can still function in a limited way are being honored and accorded a distinguished place in the life of the church. What a formula for blessing!
- This position of Elder Emeritus is open to current Elders who wish to be released from Elder administrative duties but desires to continue to serve
- Current Elders may request this position.
- Emeritus Elders may request (through the Chairman of the Elders) to attend any regular meeting of the Elders and may participate in discussions but they do not have a vote in the Elders agenda items.
- Emeritus Elders may serve in Teaching, Shepherding, Counseling, Praying, and Encouraging members of Northwest Church.
- There are no term limits for this classification. The Elder Emeritus may serve for his lifetime.
The Purpose
The purpose of this classification is to honor Elders who have served faithfully and provide a platform for continued service, honor, and influence.
This allows Elders who desire to “step out” of the regular administrative meetings to be able to “step up” to a position that allows a person to continue serving this congregation.
An Elder may request this status from the existing Eldership if he:
- He has served at least 5 years in the Eldership of Northwest Church.
- He is approved to this position from the current Eldership.
- He may be elected to this position with less than 5 years of service when circumstances such as health or other life challengers and he is unable to continue to meet in the regular meetings of the Eldership but would like to continue to serve.
A man who is elected to this position will continue to serve the congregation in some of the following ways:
- He will be available to the current Eldership for counsel when requested.
- He will meet with others in this classification when requested.
- The Emeritus team will meet as needed but they should be invited to a meeting with the Eldership at least once a year.
- They are to be listed in publications and website as Elders Emeritus.
- They are to receive notes and Elders meetings minutes as appropriate.
- They are invited to participate in public events when the Elders are “invited forward” to prayer for someone or to pray for some programs or for commissioning/Ordaining someone to be set apart for some special assignment.
- They may help with communion tables as they desire.
- They are encouraged to serve as all other elders in: Teaching, Shepherding, Counseling, Praying, and Encouraging members of The Body of Christ.
- Widows of Northwest Elders are invited to be part of meetings when the wives of Elders are involved in meetings.
- This is a promotion not a demotion.
- August 2019 -
Current Elders Emeritus